Wednesday 8 June 2016

Intelligent transportation systems now provide a proven strategy for addressing numerous problems faced in our “intelligent” society. Safety, congestion & continual growth are just a couple of the problems that intelligent systems can counter as well as offering improved efficiency, productivity and environmental impacts. The wider integration of technology in transportation is mandatory, transport is the circulatory system of any economy, the complex infrastructure that supports our journeys and the products that sustain civilization. It is sometimes forgotten just how pivotal this industry is- everything you touch and see has been transported into your world from somewhere wholly different.
Their integration will become effortless in the smart cities of the future and in the current systems that facilitate our every need. However the truth is that more than anything, these smart forms of transport are more than appropriate for our world, they are compulsory. Why? Three words- globalization, population and urbanization. All three are conspiring to overthrow transportation systems the world over and the issues spring from their very nature, current systems were simply not designed for the sheer volume they now have to contend with. The last 50 years has seen international trade in manufactured goods grow one hundred times over. In 1950 eighty-three cities consisted of over a million people, now there is over 476. IBM predicts that as population growth continues, demands on the transportation systems is expected to grow at twice the rate.
Hence some of the largest investments in recent history, with India investing trillions into their own smart cities project and an expected 30 trillion to be spent by governments on colossal transportation schemes in the next 20 years. The crucial understanding is that these investments aren’t just for the masses of products and people but instead these vast investments will as transportation always has- support and improve economic development...CONTINUE READING 
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